Gradescope Scanning
Tips for working with Gradescope scanned assignments
Avoiding unreadable scans
- Encourage students to write darker
- Crank up the contrast
- Crank up the resolution
When none of that works: How to fix unreadable scans
If you have a submission on Gradescope that is unreadable, perhaps because the student wrote too light, here’s how you can fix it.
Note: you MUST have access to the original paper submissions.
- Locate the original paper submission for that student.
- Make a copy of that submission using the “Pale” setting (look for it at the left hand side of the CS Dept. Copier menu.)
You should see the contrast improve greatly.
- Repeat this process if needed;on this setting, for really light pencil, a copy of a copy often looks better than the original.
- Scan THAT new copy to a pdf
- you want this pdf to be only for ONE student’s submission
- you can just email it to yourself since it’s just one submission
- Go to Manage Submissions in Gradescope. Locate the student’s submisson (you can search by name).
- On that student’s submission, click “show details” and find the place where it says “Replace PDF”.
- Upload the new PDF.
- Don’t worry: none of the grading you’ve done so far will be lost. You’ll just get clearer images.