Jekyll: Running on localhost for MacOS

How to run Jekyll on localhost on a Mac (install rvm, etc.)

Short version

  1. Install rvm (Ruby Version Mangager) (this may be slightly painful, but you only have to do it once.)
  2. Use the ./ script (once)
  3. Use the ./ script each time you want to run Jekyll locally.

Slightly longer version of step 1 above.

See instructions at:

  1. Install gpg (needed to install rvm)
    1. Install Homebrew (needed to install gpg)
    2. Install gpg (might be brew install gpg)
  2. Install rvm (needed for running Jekyll) (This installs Homebrew too if you don’t already have it.)


  1. Make sure you have done source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm in your current shell
  2. If you get bundle: command not found, try this:
    • sudo gem install bundler
  3. If you have trouble, consider removing the directory vendor/bundle before retrying the ./ step. This forces a refresh of all the Ruby gems (i.e. the dependencies), which sometimes helps when things get stuck.

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