repo organization

the basic files that you need in the repo to set up a course website

The basic plumbing for a minimal site

Filename Purpose
Gemfile Stores a list of the gems needed to run a Ruby application, in this case Jekyll
Gemfile.lock Stores a list of the specific versions of gems in the current bundle. (You typically do not need to know what this file does.)
_config.yml The central file (in YaML syntax) when you configure everything for your Jekyll site The home page of the site
site.css Basics CSS (style) for the site
site.js Basic JavaScript (scripts) for the site

A few more details about some of these.

The special subdirectories

These special subdirectories are a part of any typical Jekyll setup.

Directory Purpose
_includes Stores files that can be included (via include directives) into any other content file
_layouts Allows user to define standard layouts for various kinds of content (e.g. hwk, lab, exam, handout.)

A few more details about some of these.

Convenience scripts added for UCSB course repos

These scripts are not part of a standard Jekyll setup, but rather were added for convenience.

Filename Purpose A custom script that can be helpful for setting up Jekyll to run on localhost for testing A custom script used to run Jekyll on localhost for testing

User Defined Collections

The “collections” for a site are user defined, and are configured in the _config.yml file. Typical collections for a course site include these. Note that the directory must start with an underscore (e.g. _lab) while the variable used in scripts that denotes the collection does not have the underscore (e.g. for h in hwk).

Directory Purpose Collection Name
_hwk Homework Assignments hwk
_lab Lab Assignment lab
_exam Exams exam
_lecture Lecture Notes lecture

It is possible to define additional collections, or remove any of these at will.

Collections are not automatically indexed on the main page; since the way in which each collection is listed may vary according to user preferences, the user must edit the page to add code to customized the listing. Fortunately, this is straightforward—the examples already present for the collections hwk, lab etc. should serve as a model.

Other directories

Directory Purpose
static for static assets

If there are static assets that you want to include in your site, you can put them in a directory called static.

For example, the file static/gradescope.pdf might contain a PDF supplied by Gradescope with instructions for submitting work via Gradescope. That can then be linked to with internal site links.

Calendar System

A calendar of course events can be calculated automatically from dates in the front matter of various collections through some custom Javascript code. This is definitely the part of the system most in need of some “refactoring love”—it is a bit of a hack, albeit an extraordinarily useful one.

The files needed for the calendar system include these (paths relative to root)

File Purpose
_config.yml A few lines in the _config.yml set up the start and end dates of the calendar, as well as holidays, etc.
calendar.css CSS style for calendar entries
info/ The calendar itself
_layouts/calendar.html The calendar layout
_includes/head_calendar.html The libraries that get pulled in for the calendar layout
jquery-dateFormat.js A JQuery plugin for formatting dates
_includes/moment.min.js The moment library for doing date calculations
_includes/calendar.js Most of the custom code for creating the calendar is in this file

A further discussion of the calendar can be found on a separate page: Course Calendar

Other extras

In the root directory:

File or Directory Name Purpose
flipclock.js For a Solari Board style flip clock to be used during exams
flipclock.css For a Solari Board style flip clock to be used during exams