Bootstrap: Tables

Bootstrap support for formatting HTML tables

The theme includes the CSS classes that are part of Bootstrap.

Using Markdown

To get the Bootstrap formatting on Markdown tables, put this on a line by itself just before the table: {:.table}. For example:


{: .table}
| Heading1 | Heading2 | Heading 3 |
| Data1a   | Data2a   | Data3a    |
| Data1b   | Data2b   | Data3b    |
| Data1b   | Data2b   | Data3b    |

Heading1 Heading2 Heading 3
Data1a Data2a Data3a
Data1b Data2b Data3b
Data1b Data2b Data3b

There are a variety of other table classes; those can be substituted for table, all of which are documented at the Bootstrap Table Class Documentation. Here is a sample:

Class Markdown Syntax Description
.table {:.table} Default Bootstrap Table
.table-sm {:.table-sm} More compact table (less padding around cells)
.table-striped {:.table-dark} Zebra-striped (grey every other row)
.table-bordered {:.table-bordered} Thin border around all cells
.table-borderless {:.table-borderless} No borders
.table-dark {:.table-dark} Inverted Colors

These can also be combined; for example, the table immediately above this sentences was formated with:

{:.table .table-sm .table-striped .table-bordered}

You can also put the line that adds CSS classes to the table immediately after the Markdown for the table, as shown in the example below. This doesn’t change the formatting on the final website, but it can help the Markdown preview on look a little nicer.


| Heading1 | Heading2 | Heading 3 |
| Data1a   | Data2a   | Data3a    |
| Data1b   | Data2b   | Data3b    |
| Data1b   | Data2b   | Data3b    |
{:.table .table-sm .table-striped .table-bordered}

Heading1 Heading2 Heading 3
Data1a Data2a Data3a
Data1b Data2b Data3b
Data1b Data2b Data3b

Using HTML

If you want to format tables using HTML, you can get lots of nice formatting options by simply including the Bootstrap CSS clases that pertain to tables. For example:


<table class="table">
      <th scope="col">#</th>
      <th scope="col">First</th>
      <th scope="col">Last</th>
      <th scope="col">Handle</th>
      <th scope="row">1</th>
      <th scope="row">2</th>
      <th scope="row">3</th>
      <td>the Bird</td>

# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

For more information

Table Hacks

Suppose you have a table where the first column is a bit, cramped, like this one:

Value Explanation
start_week The number used to label the first week of the quarter. Typically 1 except for Fall Quarters at UCSB that have a 0 week starting on a Thursday
start_date The date of the Sunday that starts the calendar. This must be a Sunday, or the calendar will not be generated and an error message will be generated in its place.
num_weeks Typically 10 for a 10 week UCSB quarter, but may be 6 for a summer session A or B. Use 11 in Fall when there is a week 0.
extra_exam_week Typically true when you want a final exam week to be added to the calendar. The value false is used when there is no final exam for the course, or in Summer Sessions when the final is given during the last week of the course.
cal_dates A YAML array (list) of objects, each of which is a an extra date to put on the calendar.

A hack you can use is to add a <style> element right into your Markdown document near the top, like this, that defines a new class where the first td element in every row is a bit wider:

   topic: "Some topic"
   desc: "Some description"
   .table-first-col-wide td:first-of-type {
      width: 15em; 

You can then tack that class right onto the table, like this:

   {:.table .table-sm .table-striped .table-bordered .table-first-col-wide}

Related topics:

  • Bootstrap: —Overview of some bootstrap features that are useful in course repo content
  • Bootstrap: Tables—Bootstrap support for formatting HTML tables