How to add LaTeX support via MathJAX

The course repos support embedded Math notation using MathJAX provided you turn this on in your _config.yml settings.

In addition to understanding how to use use MathJAX, it may also be helpful to understand a bit about how Kramdown, the dialect of Markdown we are using handles Math blocks:

Enabling LaTeX

To enable LaTeX support via MathJAX:

  1. You’ll need the URL to load MathJAX from a CDN (Content Delivery Network) with the options you want.

    When this documentation was written on 2019-01-03, this was a reasonable choice of URL:

    You may want to check the MathJAX website to see if there is a more recent one before continuing with these instructions. If so, use that instead.

    The part after config in that URL is also something you may want to customize for your purposes.

  2. In the _config.yml file, search for the string head_scripts, and determine whether it is already defined or not. This key is defined as a list of strings, each of which is the URL of a JavaScript files that should be loaded after all of the standard ones that are part of the Jekyll theme.

  3. If head_scripts is not already defined, add the following definition, using the URL from the first step.

  4. If head_scripts is already defined, add the URL to the list of scripts. For example:


      - /static/my_custom_script.js


      - /static/my_custom_script.js