Ruby Version Manager

RVM is the Ruby Version Manager. It’s the one thing you might need to install on your machine if you want to maintain pages using GitHub pages and Jekyll, although this is entirely optional

Using GitHub pages without installing RVM

When using GitHub pages to publish your site, strictly speaking you don’t need to install any software on your local machine.

GitHub automatically runs Jekyll each time you push changes to GitHub, and this generates your site.

If there are errors,

You’ll probably end up wanting it though

However, it is handy to be able to run Jekyll locally for several reasons:

Installing RVM

The instructions for installing RVM are here: http://rvm.io/

Note that for MacOS, you may want to do three things first:

Using RVM

You typically don’t need to interact with RVM directly. Once it is installed, it is invoked when needed by the ./setup.sh and ./jekyll.sh scripts that are included in your repos from the [Boilerplate files](/topics/boilerplate/.