Convert: Offering From Pre-W19

Converting a pre-W19 repo to an offering repo

The pre-w19 format did not have a distinction between course level and offering level repos; everything was together.

So, to create an offering repo for the new format, you have to disentangle the parts of the parts of the old repo that now go at the offering level from those that belong at the course level.

Step 1: Create an empty offering repo

Step 2: Add a remote for the old repo, and pull in its contents

For example, from inside the directory for the new repo, add a git remote for the offering repo you are copying from. For example:

git remote add F18

Then pull in that repos contents:

git pull F18 master

If you have time to do the next steps now, don’t push just yet. We want to get a working site first.

Step 3: Copy in the updated boilerplate

Follow instructions to Copy in boilerplate files. They all go in the root directory of the repo. Do this even if those files are already there; you want to get the latest versions.

Step 4: Make updates to the _config.yml that are “for all repos” first.

You should make these updates to the _config.yml.

Step 5: Change these things specific to moving from pre-w19 repos for course offerings

  1. Look for the include: line. If it not present, add the following line:
    include: [`_pages']

    If it is already present, you should add _pages to the existing list using one of the acceptable YAML syntaxes for lists.

    An alternative equivalent syntax for this is as follows. If there is an exclude key, it is good style to group these together.

    - _pages
  2. Follow the instructions from * _config.yml instructions for offering repos specifically for these keys:
    • url, baseurl, github_url

      For example:

      baseurl: "/w19-matni"  
    • title, course

      For example:

      title: "UCSB CS64"
      course: "CS64"

Step 6: Try running the repo

Try running the repo locally via ./ and ./ if possible.

Debug any problems you see. At this point the repo will likely still look like the pre-w19 format, because all of those files are still present in the repo, overriding the defaults from the theme.

If you aren’t able to run locally, just go ahead and push to Github and debug there. The instructions for Travis CI may be helpful.

IMPORTANT: when working with an offering repo on github pages, you must remember to Enable GitHub Pages on the repo settings, as shown here:




Assuming all is well, continue to the next step.

Step 7: Bravely delete a bunch of stuff

The next steps may be a bit nerve-wracking. Remember, everything is in git, so don’t worry too much.

Look in _includes and _layouts and see if there is anything in there that you customized for your specific repo. If so, temporarily copy it to another directory, because are going to completely wipe out both the _includes and _layouts directories:

git rm -rf _layouts
git rm -rf _includes

The reason this is ok is that these files are now going to be provided by the remote theme, i.e.

The same is true of all *.js and *.css files in the root directory. Delete them all:

git rm -rf *.js
git rm -rf *.css

Then, try running again with ./ and ./ if possible.

If all is well, or you can’t test locally, try pushing to github. You should now see a repo in the new format; however it will lack the navigation menu. We’ll be setting that up next.

Step 8: Create directory _pages and copy a set of pages from a prototype repo

TODO: Write these instructions

Step 9: Create directory _data and create navigation.yml in that directory

TODO: Write these instructions

Step 10: Review the general instructions for _config.yml for offering repos

Most of the items in these instructions are likely now already taken care of, but just in case, review these and make sure that all the values look reasonable.

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